Who Else Wants to Stay Healthy? Zinc Can Help in These “Uncertain Times”

Nervously, you head into the store. Thinking about the large number of people in there makes you want to turn around and run home.  But then you remember, you had an IV drip with zinc!  You breathe an immense sigh of relief and power through.  You won’t let fear rule your life!  Thanks to nutrients like zinc, you don’t have to.

Zinc often gets overshadowed by vitamin C and D when it comes to boosting immunity, but this small but mightily nutrient packs a punch.

What is Zinc?

Zinc is an essential nutrient and vital mineral for the human body. It is an essential trace element, which means that it is required in small amounts, but the body cannot synthesize and store it, so it must be consumed regularly through food or supplements. Zinc deficiency can occur if not consumed in recommended amounts and have significant negative health impacts.

What does it do in Your Body?

Zinc is present in almost every cell and is the second-abundant trace mineral after iron in the human body. It is vital for health and many essential body functions. Around 300 enzymes taking part in metabolism, digestion, nerve functioning, and many others require Zinc for their activity. It is also linked to the proper development and functioning of the immune system, protein, and DNA synthesis. Zinc is crucial for cell growth and cell division, due to which it is required for proper growth and development of the body. It is the reason for extra zinc requirements during pregnancy and lactation to fulfill the zinc requirements of fetus and newborn. Zinc deficiency in children is linked to growth impediments and at higher risk of infections. Zinc also plays a role in the sense of smell and taste and is also required for proper wound healing.

How Does Zinc Help You to Stay Healthy?

Zinc is a nutrient that is required to keep your body healthy. Some of the important health benefits:

  • Immunity Booster

With its property of boosting the immune system, it helps the body fight off infections efficiently and reduce oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is another way to say your body is stressed out trying to fight off the bad stuff, like bacteria, chemicals, and free radicals that assault our system on a daily basis, either by over-processed foods or air pollution. Zinc can help with that burden.

A study published in the Open Respiratory Medicine Journal suggested that zinc lozenges shorten the common cold duration by up to 40 percent.  If you’re sucking on a lozenge, just think what getting zinc intravenously can do for you.

  • Speeds up Wound Healing

Because zinc has a role in protein (collagen) synthesis and cell growth, it is essential for proper wound healing (Ulcers, burns, or other skin injuries). The skin contains about 5 percent of the total body’s zinc content. It maintains skin integrity and structure.  Zinc helps you look young and fresh, which is something we all want!  Zinc is also used in topical creams for treating diaper rash or skin irritation. Just think, that diaper cream you put on your baby’s bottom really DID help!

  • Prevents Premature Aging and Age-related Diseases

Due to its anti-inflammatory property, Zinc is known to reduce the risk of chronic infections and certain age-related diseases. It helps stop the progression of diseases like age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Being an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory, it prolongs the lifespan and prevents premature aging.  Zinc encourages healthy eyes, so you can see clearer, longer.  It reduces cell damage, making your body age slower.

  • Boosting Mental Performance

Zinc has a role in axonal and synaptic transmission. In zinc deficiency, the communication between neurons is less effective, making it clear that it is essential for enhancing cognitive functioning.  Simply put, without zinc, your mentality is a dull butter knife.  With zinc, it’s a sharp sword!  Which would YOU rather have to help you in your day to day life?

Zinc has amazing functionality but often we don’t absorb enough through food.  That’s why we include zinc in our Defense Drip at The Youngstown Drip! This amazing drip boasts of Vitamin C, Zinc, B complex and more to get you feeling great and heading out into the world with confidence.

Are you concerned your immunity could use a boost?  Schedule with us today at The Youngstown Drip!










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